The Hippie nose is not happy. Its being firmly held to the grindstone, and told it has to stay that way for the next two weeks. Sigh. I've actually never properly 'studied' for an exam in my life. Always the crazy last minute cram session where normality is abandoned, sleep is a unknown concept, massive quantities of chocolate is consumed and adrenaline keeps the system going. Good times. Fear is by far the best motivator, especially short term. Rather enjoyed the high, especially since it was a shared experience, pre exam nights full of panic stricken phone calls usually because someone couldnt find/didnt have the textbook/notes/anything related to subject. Home science was the 'didnt have anything' subject for me at local O levels. A few scraggly speciman cloths with random stitches was about all. Without exaggeration, everything written down for that paper was learnt about 3 hours in advance. I miss what a bludge those exams were!! Now its all about analysis and application of theory, which of course presupposes that in 12 days, I will know this theory to apply it.
Poor nose.
America Was Always Ukraine's Worst Enemy
2 days ago
heheh yeah yeah suffer suffer...serves you right for not studying your ass off for home science...if you had suffered back then you would have gotten into nerd mode and nver completely recovered and things now woudlnt seem so daunting!!!! :p (Im not very good at logic am i?) anyways either way...its all YOUR fault!!! :p why? coz Kaiser said so!!! :p heheh have a great day...mes likes your blog vewee much! :D
If it wasn't for the excessive procrastination and the subsequent massive adrenaline rush I don't think I would've ever made it through my undergrad. With that said though, do I remember anything? Not so much. It was all stored up in the short term memory banks!
Hopefully all the "analysis and application of theory" you learn won't be forgotten in 13 days :)
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