Monday, 19 January 2009

Not so organised chaos

Latest reason to clean room:

Keys got lost possibly on the floor somewhere, need to see floor to find aforementioned keys.


TheWhacksteR said...

and you have to blog about it before you start? i thought my room was a mess..

Jerry said...

Well at least you'll land on something soft if you trip.

Dee said...

The suspense is killing me!! Did u you find it?? the keys!! Did u find the keys!??

Lady divine said...

I was gonna ask the same thing dee asked! found them?

Sunshine Junkie said...

Whackster - its what i'm best at - procrastination. this isn't normal though, its a 'if i unpack properly i'm admitting my holiday is over' mess.

Jerry - so true! have landed on soft things several times now :D

DeeCee, LD - hehehe.. you'll are funny, YES! found them! under books which were under clothes which were under random parcels :D

Anonymous said...

Assuming you know singhalese...Tho Haddi!!! *rough translation* You slob!!! heheh Been silent for a while now havent we? Blog dammit!!! I need to look busy and blogs are my only way out!!! for the love of Kaiser blog!!!!

btw the Dragons of Eden Died quite a while back so link back here..and see if the author still amuses you!!! ;) Cheers! have a great day!