Saturday, 6 October 2007

The wherefores.

So, this being a couple of weeks before exams it is, of course, the most rational time to start a blog. I've never been this screwed for exams. Ever. Even with A levels, even though I did no work on my own, I had some vague idea as to what is going on, and lets face it, London ALs especially with the modules, is not too bad. This time around, having made into uni through some glitch in the universe, and even more strangely managed to survive a semester, Im dead meat. And decomposing fast. Ok Im now going to stop contemplating my prettily decorated study plan and try to catch up on the 2 months of chatting/partying/I dont even know what. - awesome chicken cartoons. Good for daily laughs and things to ponder :)

1 comment:

Shehan said...

Well you're the first person to comment on my first ever blog. Well the rain, it just gets me down cos in SL you can't do anything if it rains.

So maybe you'd have better luck sticking to your blog. If all else fails you can make stuff up. try your hand at creative writing :)

Well hope to read more and more comments to come...